Word In Transit
Campbell Mcconnell and Sophie Popper present - (Business Catch Phrases)
This performance consists of me reading out business catch phrases that I have found on articals online. The articals are usually titled, ‘how to impress your boss’ or ‘do you want to get a raise at work.’ ‘These are the things you should be saying to your boss.’
I read out the these words to fast paced techno music dressed as a ‘business man’.
I find this alternative language that is used in the offices everywhere unnecessary. No matter what the business is, if it’s a paper company or a stock brokers. The seriousness is something I find ridiculous. This alternative language is basically slang. And you have to know the slang to be able to succeed or progress in your job.

For Word in Transit 3 - Campfire Tales, Campbell Mcconnell presented Cooking Catchphrases! A performance involving the peculiar things said in the kitchen…